Dutch agritech innovator SemperVere is setting a new benchmark for sustainable farming through its revolutionary circular indoor greenhouse model.

This hybrid of vertical farming and greenhouse techniques enables pesticide-free cultivation of herbs and leafy greens, achieving yields three times greater than conventional methods.
Their data-driven approach optimises growing conditions, enhancing both the shelf life and nutritional value of produce.
Backed by a successful crowdfunding campaign and regional investment, the company is poised to double its production, aiming to produce two million plants weekly and redefine sustainable agriculture for a climate-resilient future.
SemperVere's model is designed to tackle the challenges of climate change, offering a viable solution for future food security by reducing resource consumption while maximising output.
Their innovative processes, driven by technology and sustainability, represent a crucial step towards meeting the growing demand for healthier, environmentally friendly food.
With its current success and plans for expansion, SemperVere is not only contributing to a greener future but also influencing the broader shift towards sustainable farming practices across the globe.