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Sainsbury’s brings back Nectar’s ‘Great Fruit & Veg Challenge’ to stores

Sainsbury’s has brought back Nectar’s ‘Great fruit & veg challenge’, offering shoppers the chance to earn additional points when purchasing more fruit and vegetables.

From 23 August to 10 October, customers can earn a minimum of 1,000 bonus Nectar points when completing three personalised portion tasks based on shopping habits.

Customers can join the seven-week challenge via the Nectar app at any time and spend bonus points at partners including Sainsbury’s, Argos, Esso and eBay.

Customers can contribute towards their portions by purchasing fresh, tinned, frozen or dried fruit and vegetables.

The move aims to help the supermarket giant’s shoppers make healthier choices through recipe ideas as well as food waste and storage tips.

This comes as last year’s challenge saw 88m portions of fruit and vegetables bought throughout the seven week period, with participating customers purchasing over three times more of the produce than those who did not take part.

Sainsbury’s head of loyalty marketing, Alex Lovell, said: “We know how important it is for our customers to eat a varied and healthy diet, and that’s why we’re bringing back the Great fruit & veg challenge for yet another year.

“Last year, we saw over 580,000 customers take part and a whopping 106m bonus points awarded. Now in its fourth year, and with even more points up for grabs, we hope customers will enjoy this year’s challenge.”

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