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Tesco Highlights Farmers' Environmental Plight in New Report

Tesco’s chief commercial officer, Ashwin Prasad, has urged the government to deliver a clear plan for UK agriculture during his speech at the Oxford Farming Conference, where he also announced the launch of two low carbon concept farms within Tesco’s supply chain.

A survey conducted by Tesco revealed that two-thirds of UK farmers are already experiencing the impacts of climate change on their farms. However, three-quarters of farmers report being unable to implement all the environmental measures they aim for, citing high upfront costs, the risk of poor financial returns, and a lack of policy clarity from the government as key barriers.

In collaboration with over 300 farmers across the UK and Harper Adams University, Tesco has developed the ‘Greenprint for UK Farming,’ a series of recommendations aimed at creating a more sustainable future for British agriculture. The report calls on the government to provide a clear roadmap for UK agriculture to support farmers in making their operations more sustainable and achieving net-zero emissions.

Key recommendations from the Greenprint include establishing a long-term land use and food security strategy, increasing funding for innovation at all stages to drive sustainability, and introducing common environmental standards across the industry.


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