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UK Considers Easing Carbon Targets, Defying Climate Watchdog

Whitehall is contemplating a controversial move to relax the nation's carbon reduction targets, potentially allowing unused emissions allowances from the previous carbon budget to be carried over. This decision would defy the stern counsel of the Climate Change Committee (CCC), the government's independent climate advisor.

While the carryover would simplify the achievement of future targets, the CCC has urged the government to forgo this option, advocating for more stringent goals to accelerate the path to net zero emissions by 2050.

The UK has recently outperformed expectations in curbing carbon dioxide emissions, partly due to the pandemic-induced economic slowdown. However, campaigners like Dustin Benton, policy director at Green Alliance, warn against complacency. "The government will make a grave error of judgment if it weakens plans to cut emissions," he cautioned, emphasizing the need for bolder action to support burgeoning green industries.

Benton highlighted Green Alliance research indicating a significant gap in policy coverage for achieving necessary carbon reductions by 2032. "We need action to close the gap – not excuses for inaction," he stressed.

The government, however, maintains its commitment to meeting the ambitious target of a 68% emissions reduction by 2030, set at the COP26 summit. A spokesperson asserted, "We are the first major economy to halve emissions and have the most ambitious legally binding emissions targets in the world."

While the Labour party has urged the government not to carry over the surplus emissions, it has stopped short of committing to reversing the decision if elected.

With the government's decision on the carryover looming, the debate over the optimal path to net zero intensifies, raising critical questions about the balance between ambition and pragmatism in climate policy.

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