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Women at the Heart of British Farming: International Women's Day Shines Spotlight on Vital Contributions

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, the spotlight turns to the invaluable roles women play in the backbone of British society: agriculture.

From managing large-scale farms to tending to smaller holdings and artisan food production, women are a driving force in ensuring the nation has a robust and sustainable food supply.

Despite their immense contributions, women in agriculture often face an uphill battle. A recent report by the National Farmers' Union (NFU) highlights that women remain underrepresented in leadership roles within the farming industry.

This International Women's Day serves as a reminder of the need to break down barriers and provide greater opportunities for women in agriculture.

Celebrating Pioneers

One such pioneer is Florence Mannerings, a third-generation farmer from Alkham, near Dover. Mannerings not only manages the daily operations of her family farm but is also a vocal advocate for sustainable farming practices and fair pricing for British farmers.

"Women have always been integral to farming," she says. "We're not just workers, we're innovators, leaders, and the future of British food."

Women Feeding the Nation

The impact of women in British agriculture extends far beyond the farm gate.

Women are increasingly at the forefront of the burgeoning artisan food movement, bringing locally-sourced, high-quality produce to markets across the UK. From award-winning cheesemakers to organic vegetable growers, women entrepreneurs are breathing new life into the British food landscape.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

While there's much to celebrate this International Women's Day, the challenges faced by women in agriculture must be acknowledged.

From access to funding and land to balancing work and family responsibilities, there are systemic issues that need to be addressed.

Organisations like Women in Farming are leading the charge, providing support networks, training, and mentorship opportunities for women across the agricultural sector.

A Call for Change

This International Women's Day 2024 is a call to action. It's a time to recognise the vital contributions of women in British agriculture, celebrate their successes, and work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive industry where women can thrive.

By empowering women in farming, we strengthen the entire British food system for the benefit of everyone.

Let's make International Women's Day 2024 a turning point for women in British agriculture.

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